AMELY BAUER is a MS student at the University of Göttingen, Germany. She received a BS in Environmental Monitoring and Analysis from the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Germany, in 2016. She currently pursues a MS in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. The focus of her studies lies in the fields of animal systematics, morphology & behavior as well as forensic biology, where she is especially interested in (forensic) entomology. Amy first visited the FLIES Facility in 2018 for a 3-month internship, during which she worked with Samantha Sawyer and Abby Jones. Back then, she looked into how mass mortality events impact insect community composition. Now she returned to the lab to conduct research for her master thesis co-advised by Prof. Dr. Jefferey Tomberlin. Amy’s MS research investigates the effects of light-duration on the development of the forensically important hairy maggot blow fly (Chrysomya rufifacies).