DR. RODRIGO CORRÊA received his BS in Biological Sciences in 2006, MS in Entomology in 2010 and PhD in 2014 from Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, Brazil. He has been studying several aspects of necrophilous beetles including morphology and biology during BS, species associated with buried carrion during MS and ecological modeling of Brazilian species during his PhD.
He is also a founding member of Forensic Entomology Group of UFPR. One of the first groups in Brazil to work in collaboration with Investigators (Instituto de Criminalística do Paraná), providing identification of insects collected in cadavers and estimation of postmortem interval (2011-2015).
Now, he is a postdoctoral associate visiting the F.L.I.E.S. Facility through the Science Without Borders Program (CNPq) and will be examining the interkingdom volatiles associated with Dermestes maculatus larvae and their impact on fly colonization.